Motorcycle riding offers a sense of freedom and adventure unlike any other, but, it also comes with its own set of risks. One of the most dangerous situations a rider can face is skidding, which can cause them to lose control and crash. Skidding occurs when the tires lose traction with the road surface, often due to sudden braking, sharp turns, or slippery conditions. With the right techniques and awareness, you can prevent skidding and enjoy riding your bike confidently. Here are a few tips to help you avoid skidding and stay safe on your motorcycle!

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

One of the most important factors in preventing skidding is ensuring your tires are properly inflated. Underinflated tires have a larger contact patch with the road, which can lead to excessive heat buildup and reduced traction. Overinflated tires, on the other hand, have a smaller contact patch, which can decrease grip and stability.

Check your tire pressure regularly and keep it within the manufacturer-recommended range. Properly inflated tires provide better traction, handling, and safety, especially in wet or slippery conditions.

Slow Down in Wet or Slippery Conditions

Road conditions can change quickly, especially when it rains or when there’s debris on the road. Wet or slippery surfaces reduce tire traction, increasing the likelihood of skidding. To prevent this, reduce your speed when riding in such conditions.

Avoid sudden or aggressive maneuvers, such as hard braking or sharp turns, which can cause your tires to lose grip. Instead, apply the brakes gradually and steer smoothly. If you encounter a patch of ice, gravel, or oil, keep your bike upright and move without accelerating or braking.

Use Both Brakes Effectively

Proper braking technique is crucial in preventing skids, especially in emergencies. Motorcycles are equipped with both front and rear brakes, and using them together provides the most effective stopping power. The front brake offers most of the braking force, but applying it too aggressively can cause the front tire to skid.

To avoid skidding, use both brakes simultaneously with a gradual increase in pressure. This will help distribute the braking force more evenly and maintain control. Practice this technique to become comfortable with your motorcycle’s braking characteristics.

We hope you find these tips handy when riding your motorcycle. If you want more safety advice or are still searching for your dream bike, stop by Vey's Powersports. We have an impressive collection of motorcycles for sale and can suggest models that match your budget and riding style. We are in El Cajon, CA, and proudly serve our friends from San Diego and Santee!